Rebel Moon director Zack Snyder has finished shooting. Although the director’s DCU vision was cut short before it could be realised, he is now expecting that his cooperation with Netflix will continue for some time as his “adult Star Wars” film wraps up filming. If everything goes according to plan, Rebel Moon will be the first of two movies that might launch a brand-new sci-fi franchise.

Over ten years ago, Snyder first presented Lucasfilm with a draught of Rebel Moon as a potential Star Wars feature. Despite the fact that his concept was turned down, Snyder held onto his story and revised it into his first film ten years later. The project is allegedly being positioned as the first instalment in a two-part narrative. Zack Snyder acknowledged that the movie’s primary photography is now complete in a Vero post.

Even while there is still a lot to learn about Rebel Moon, the large ensemble cast, which is not lacking in quality, has received a lot of attention. Anthony Hopkins, Charlie Hunnam, Ray Fisher, Djimon Hounsou, Jena Malone, Corey Stoll, Ed Skrein, Cleopatra Coleman, Fra Fee, Cary Elwes, and Sofia Boutella are among the actors who have committed to the big film.