The Mysterious Benedict Society revolves around four gifted orphans who are recruited by an eccentric patron to go on a secret mission. They are placed undercover at a boarding school known as The Institute. They are entrusted with foiling a wicked plot that has global consequences.

The second season of the series which was released in October 2022, focused on the four orphans as they reunite after a year to put pieces of riddles and clues together. The kids take on a dangerous scavenger hunt around the globe designed by Mr Benedict to find clues that will destroy the latest scheme planned by the kidnapper.

The Mysterious Benedict Society is based on a bestselling young-adult novel of the same name written by Trenton Lee Stewart. The series stars Tony Hale, Kristen Schaal, MaameYaa Boafo, Ryan Hurst, Gia Sandhu, Seth B. Carr, Emmy DeOliveira, Mystic Inscho, and Marta Kessler. Matt Manfredi and Hay served as creators and writers.