The Flash trailer has taken the internet by storm since it was released during the Super Bowl this past weekend. It was filled to the brim with exciting action and character returns, but none as epic as Michael Keaton’s Batman. He stole every scene he was in, said his most iconic line “I’m Batman”, and still looks amazing in the Batsuit after all these years. However, even though this epic multiverse film will feature Keaton and Ben Affleck’s version of The Dark Knight, there’s a well hidden Easter Egg to another famous live-action Batman that even eagle-eyed viewers may have missed. That Batman would be Adam West from the classic 1966 TV series.

The Easter egg in question was revealed by Chris Weston who worked in the costume department on The Flash and pertains to the shot of all Keaton’s Batsuits found in the film’s Big Game TV Spot. In the Batsuit Armory we can see the Batman 89 and Batman Returns suits with Keaton’s current suit from The Flash front and center. They’re alongside a handful of suits we’ve never seen before like a desert looking and an underwater style suits. However, the suit in question here is a gray comic style one that feature grapnel gun holsters. Your Bat-eyes immediately lock onto the holsters for obvious reasons, but that distracts you from the Bat-symbol on the suit itself. Like Weston points out in his post, the suit features the same Bat-Symbol from Batman 66 worn by West. The gray suit and 66 Easter egg was his idea. Not only does this image serve as a reference to a similar armory shot found in Batman Returns, this is a cool Easter egg to a more colorful era for The Caped Crusader.