Renowned filmmaker K Viswanath breathed his last on 2 February. The Dadasaheb Phalke awardee died at a private hospital in Hyderabad at the age of 92. According to a PTI report, Viswanath was feeling unwell for some time and was also suffering from age-related illnesses. A well-known name in Telugu, Hindi and Tamil cinema, his demise leaves a void in the entertainment industry. Several eminent personalities paid tribute to ‘Kalatapasvi’, as K Viswanath was fondly called, on social media.

Kamal Haasan, who had worked in three films with Viswanath shared a handwritten note for him on social media. ““Kalathapasvi K Viswanath fully understood the transience of life and immortality of art. Hence, his art will be celebrated beyond his lifetime and reign. Long live his art. An ardent fan. Kamal Haasan”, the note said.