When Charles Dickens sat down to write a novella on wealth inequality and the faulty, nay, Scroogey nature of Thomas Malthus’ long since debunked theories on global population, do you think he imagined Ryan Reynolds and Will Ferrell riffing over fudged lines? You’d like to think so, wouldn’t you? Regardless, it’s happened. Following the release of Spirited, the aptly titled adaptation of the classic Christmas tale, A Christmas Carol, Apple TV+ has just released a new blooper reel from the film.

Currently streaming on Apple TV+ and playing in select theaters, Spirited tells the all too familiar story of the rich and corrupt miser set right by a look into his own past, present, and future. The film, unlike other adaptations, is a musical, and stars two of the most beloved comedy actors of all time. The film, which has a modern-day setting, stars Reynolds as the Scrooge archetype, Clint Briggs. Ferrell, on the other hand, plays Ebenezer Scrooge himself — quite the twist, the Ghost of Christmas Present, and also Roberto.

The film follows Ferrell’s Scrooge as Christmas Present, a spirit in the afterlife who works along with Jacob Marley and two other spirits each year to lead a ‘perp’ into a redemption arc. However, one year Christmas Present, Ferrell, decides to attempt to redeem an ‘unredeemable’ soul for Christmas. That unredeemable soul? Reynolds’ Clint Briggs. Chaos and jollity, of course, ensue.