During his visit to Kyiv, the Ukrainian capital, actor Sean Penn from Hollywood presented Volodymyr Zelenskyy with one of his Oscars.
On his Telegram channel, Zelenskyy posted a video of him and Penn together.Penn was given the Order of Merit by President Zelenskyy of Ukraine in the video.
Additionally, Anton Gerashchenko, an advisor to Ukraine’s Minister of Internal Affairs, uploaded a video of the meeting between the American actor and Ukrainian President Zelenskyy.

Penn is well-known for his political activism in addition to his talent as an international actor.
Since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in March, the Hollywood actor gave his first televised interview.Sean Penn discussed his interactions with President Zelenskyy of Ukraine in the interview.

“Meeting Zelenskky the day before the invasion and meeting him again on the day of invasion – I don’t know if he knew he was born for this. It was clear I was in the presence of and this is reflective of so many Ukrainians something that was new to the modern world in terms of courage, dignity, love and the way he has unified the country. I was endlessly impressed and moved by him and terrified for him and Ukraine,” Sean Penn had said in the interview with CNN.