After performing well on an Eid weekend, Salman Khan’s Kisi ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan has been witnessing a drop in collections in its second week. In its first week, the film opened at Rs 15.81 crore, which jumped to Rs 25.75 crore on Saturday and Rs 26.61 crore on Sunday. The first-week collection for the Pooja Hegde and Venkatesh starrer stood at Rs 68.17 crore.

The film’s collection, as per industry tracker Sacnilk, stood at Rs 10.17 crore on the first Monday. In subsequent days it fell further to Rs 6.12 crore, Rs 4.5 crore and on the seventh day (Thursday) the Farhad Samji directorial made Rs 3.5 crore. The domestic collection of the film, seven days since its release, stands at Rs 92.46 crore. Add to it the international collection and the film has garnered Rs 151.12 crore worldwide.

Collections aside, KKBKKJ has been panned critically. Our review of the film reads, “By the climax, KKBKKJ makes your senses numb. Salman topples a car, stabs the minions and is left bleeding from the forehead…But by then, the only expression left in the moviegoer is a hysterical chuckle.”

Apart from Salman, Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan stars Jagapathi Babu, Bhumika Chawla, Vijender Singh, Abhimanyu Singh, Raghav Juyal, Siddharth Nigam, Jassie Gill, Shehnaaz Gill, Palak Tiwari and Vinali Bhatnagar.

Read our review of Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan here.