Achieving a “tricky transformation journey,” according to actor Pratik Gandhi, would be made possible by his upcoming roles as Jyotirao Phule and Mahatma Gandhi in different productions. Ananth Mahadevan’s film Phule, written and directed by him, stars Pratik Gandhi as the social reformer and activist Mahatma Phule opposite Patralekhaa as the educationalist Savitribai Phule. The movie will start shooting in April. Following the completion of filming on Phule, the actor will work once more with Hansal Mehta, the director of Scam 1992: The Harshad Mehta Story, on a multi-season series on Mahatma Gandhi.

Imagine the luck one may experience! I was so happy just to think of receiving these possibilities. As actors, we are fortunate to be able to lead several lives concurrently. The fact that I am given these characters and that I get to experience them firsthand as an actor makes me really happy.