Actor-filmmaker Ajay Devgn is gearing up for the release of Bholaa, which also stars Tabu in a pivotal role. About directing the actor, he said, “She is very spontaneous; that’s what I like about her. Apart from that, she takes to the tone so perfectly that you don’t need to take it any further as a director. There is an emotional scene between Bholaa and Tabu’s character Diana where I think she’s done a fabulous job.”

The film is a Hindi remake of the 2019 Tamil film Kaithi directed by Lokesh Kanagaraj. Bholaa tells the story of an ex-convict who is forced to help a cop bust a drug raid in return to let him meet his daughter. Ajay will be resuming the role played by Karthi. Amala and Abhishek Bachchan are said to be making special appearances in the film.