Bollywood’s megastar Salman Khan aka ‘Bhaijaan’ just rang in his 57th birthday on Tuesday, following his ‘special’ day the Khan family hosted a party at Arpita Khan Sharma’s residence in Mumbai attended by several Bollywood celebrities. Our beloved ‘Bhaijaan’ was spotted at the venue in an all-black ensemble and was seen starting off his bash by cutting a cake with the paparazzi. His birthday bash saw his family and close friends from the industry.

The megastar was spotted in a black t-shirt with black jeans, and after cutting the cake with the media, he thanked them all for their love. A lot of his industry buddies showed up to celebrate his special day with him. Salman’s sister Arpita Khan came in with her husband Aayush Sharma. And the night went crazy when the last guest of the night arrived, yes… last but not the least King Khan arrived at the venue in style to celebrate this special day with his ‘Bhaijaan’.

Salman Khan was spotted dropping off SRK to his car and the duo was seen sharing a warm hug. Not just that, the superstars happily posed together for the shutterbugs. Matching to the theme of the party, the duo was seen in all-black attires. Moving forward, Arpita Khan Sharma and Aayush Sharma’s daughter Ayat Sharma share her birthday with her uncle Salman Khan. The couple who got married in the year 2014 are parents to a six-year-old son Ahil and were blessed with their second child, a baby girl Ayat born on December 27, 2019, who just turned three on Tuesday.

Speaking of Salman’s projects, he has recently finished shooting for ‘Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan’. It is an action-packed entertainer directed by Farhad Samji and also features Pooja Hegde and Venkatesh Daggubati in the lead. Shehnaaz Gill, Palak Tiwari and Vijender Singh are also a part of the film. The film is now slated to hit the theatres on Eid 2023.