The trailer of the Netflix series, Class, is to be out on Tuesday. Produced by Bodhitree Multimedia Limited in association with Future East and directed by Ashim Ahluwalia, the series stars Gurfateh Pirzada, Anjali Sivaraman, Ayesha Kanga, Chayan Chopra, Chintan Rach, Cyaawal Singh, Madhyama Segal, Moses Koul, Naina Bhan, Piyush Khati and Zeyn Shaw in leading roles.

Posting an Instagram reel that shows the eleven actors, out of which 10 of them are wearing uniform and one of them in a colour dress, the actors are seen sitting inside a classroom, with an intriguing music in the background being played.

Netflix wrote ” If you’re not in the group chat, you’re probablt the one they talk about. Brace yourself for a world of lies, deciet, scandals and secrets in Class.”

Class is an adaptation of the Spanish series Elite created by Carlos Montero and Dario Madrona . The young adult series follows the tumultuous events that unfurl when two worlds collide, shaking up families, relationships and the lives of students from high-profile families.