Kangana Ranaut has started shooting for Chandramukhi 2, the sequel to superstar Rajinikanth’s 2005 Tamil movie. The actor took to her Instagram story on Tuesday evening and posted a picture of a clapboard from the movie’s sets.

“Started filming for Chandramukhi 2 today,” Ranaut said in the post.

The upcoming movie is a follow-up to Rajinikanth and Jyothika’s smash-hit horror comedy Chandramukhi which was directed by P Vasu. The filmmaker is also helming the sequel. In the second part, Kangana will essay the role of a dancer in the king’s court, who was known for her beauty and dance skills.

Tamil actor-director Raghava Lawrence will play the male lead opposite Kangana.

Regarding other projects, the actor will be next seen in Tejas, in which she plays the role of an Air Force Pilot, a political drama Emergency and biopic on Bengali theatre legend Binodini Dasi.