Bollywood actor Emraan Hashmi said on Tuesday that filming for his forthcoming film “Ground Zero” is complete. The movie’s director, Tejas Vijay Deoskar, is known for Marathi movies like “Ajinkya” and “Bucket List” and is said to be a military thriller.
Hashmi shared many images with the cast of “Ground Zero” from the film’s set on Twitter.

Deoskar also wrote a statement and posted the news on his Instagram Stories, reminiscing his time spent working with Hashmi.
“Working with you was an absolute delight. We got started, put in a lot of effort, and today we ended strong. Only upward and forward from here! “He composed.
Along with “Tiger 3” starring Salman Khan, Hashmi’s future films also include “Selfie” with Akshay Kumar.