On the quiz-based reality series “Kaun Banega Crorepati 14,” megastar Amitabh Bachchan discussed the late actor Dilip Kumar and the seasoned actress Waheeda Rehaman and how their work always served as an inspiration to him. Waheeda’s simplicity and beauty are something he also admires.

He discussed his celebrity preferences and influences with competitor Cindy Raycel Rodrigues, a 23-year-old student earning a master’s degree in management studies. Big B claimed that the two actors’ body of work had influenced him. Later, when discussing Waheeda’s attractiveness, he remarked that he always thought she had a certain “Indianness” about her and was extremely “down to Earth and simple.”

Later, she spoke with the presenter about her upbringing by a single mother: “Because every daughter learns from her parents, and because I learned how to be strong from my mother, she is the reason for my success. When you’re a single mother, society has a lot to say to you; they criticise your personality and tell you that you won’t be able to raise a child and that there must be a problem with their upbringing. Even as a student, I was aware that making a mistake would lead to criticism such as “she comes from a broken family,” “her mom is a single parent,” or “her upbringing must not have been proper because she made this error.””

Added her: “People frequently evaluate you, and as a result, you must respond to them. This is what has helped me become more intimate with God. My mother, my grandmother, and I would not have been able to get where we are now without the help of God. My mother and grandmother instilled in me the idea that God is my spiritual father, and I have lived it ever since.”

Big B expressed his admiration for the way she was raised by her mother and grandmother and said that these two people were responsible for her achievement.