The filming for Ankur Bhatia’s upcoming series “Taali,” which stars Sushmita Sen, has come to an end. The show is a biographical drama about transgender activist Gauri Sawant, who is played by Sen. Bhatia, who worked with Sen in the critically acclaimed series “Aarya,” said that working with Sen was a great experience.
Despite the intense, hard-hitting nature of the script, the set atmosphere was extremely enjoyable.It was indeed a pleasure to work with Sushmita once more.The actor said in a statement, “My character was very challenging because it was a soft character, and I had never played a role like that before.”

Sawant, who was born Ganesh and grew up in Pune, was one of the petitioners for the National Legal Services Authority (NALSA) in 2013. In 2014, the Supreme Court declared transgender people to be the third gender and recognized Sawant as such.
“Taali” will shed light on Sawant’s significant life, from her early years to her transition and her role in revolutionizing the transgender movement in India.
Coordinated by Public honor winning movie producer Ravi Jadhav, the series is created by Arjun Singgh Baran, Kartk D Nishandar and Afeefa Nadiadwala.