Social media is rife with speculations that Allu Arjun might make his Bollywood debut in Shah Rukh Khan’s next, Jawan. Reports suggest that director Atlee approached Allu Arjun to appear in a cameo role. Jawan, incidentally, is also the 36-year-old, Chennai-based filmmaker Atlee’s debut directorial in Hindi cinema.

If Allu Arjun is officially signed on for the project, he will be joining a star-studded cast, comprising Nayanathara, Vijay Sethupathi, Priyamani and Yogi Babu from the Tamil film industry and Sanya Malhotra and Sunil Grover from the Hindi film industry. Rumours also suggest that Deepika Padukone and Vijay might also be making special appearances in Jawan.

Allu Arjun is no stranger to audiences across Maharashtra and the Hindi-speaking audience, having initially attained popularity with the Hindi dubbed versions of his films Arya (2004), Parugu (2008), Julayi (2012), Race Gurram (2014) and DJ : Duvvada Jagannadham (2017), and later scaling new heights of nationwide stardom with his titular role in Sukumar’s action-drama Pushpa : The Rise (2021). Allu Arjun is currently shooting for Pushpa: The Rule, the much-anticipated sequel of Pushpa: The Rise.