Nawazuddin Siddiqui and Bhumi Pednekar’s Afwaah, directed by Sudhir Mishra, will be released on February 24, the producers said on Monday. The thriller’s main theme is the effects of spreading false information and rumours.

Expanding on the film’s concept, director Sudhir Mishra said in a statement, “Afwaah is a thriller which speaks of a very important message in the current times. I am glad that the release date is finally out and I am really looking forward to its release. The super-talented combo of Bhumi and Nawaz have given their best to this unconventional story and I am sure the audience is going to love watching them on the big screen.”

Afwaah also features Sharib Hashmi, Sumit Kaul, Sumeet Vyas, Rockey Raina, and TJ Bhanu. The film, shot in 2022, is jointly produced by T-Series and Anubhav Sinha’s Benaras Mediaworks. Sudhir and Nawazuddin had previously collaborated on the Mumbai-set satirical drama Serious Men (2020).

Talking about Afwaah, co-producer Anubhav Sinha said, “Working on Afwaah was creatively fulfilling as a producer. Sudhir and I have been friends for many years and I am happy to bring this film to the audience. It is an intriguing story and the performances of powerhouse talents like Bhumi and Nawaz only add weightage and gravitas to the characters.”