Rumor is that Adam Driver is a frontrunner for the role of Reed Richards, aka Mister Fantastic, in the upcoming Fantastic Four reboot. The new film, coming in 2025, will reimagine the titular foursome for their debut in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Various names have been rumored for the different parts, but one that’s been heating up lately has been the rumor of Driver in consideration for the group’s leader.

It remains to be seen if Driver gets the role, but the potential casting does have some fans wondering what that would be like. On Instagram, digital artist has posted some new fan art that imagines Driver as Mister Fantastic. Thanks to the visual aid, the image does give us some idea of what we could expect from Driver’s take on the character.

“Latest rumour in the Reed Richards saga, apparently Adam Driver is up for the role! I’d love to see this but I can’t wait to see an official announcement for it,” the artist says in the caption of the post, which you can view below.